Esercizio: coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al passato prossimo e stai attento se scegliere ESSERE O AVERE come ausiliari

Luisa (cominciare) ——- un corso di regia la settimana scorsa
Le ciliegie (finire) ——- , mi dispiace signora. Vuole i fichi?
Dal mese scorso (io aumentare) ——- le ore di attività fisica in palestra e ora mi sento meglio
Mentre eri in bagno, (suonare) ——- il telefono
I prezzi della benzina ultimamente (aumentare) ——-
Massimiliano, (finire) ——- i compiti? Devi andare a letto!
Il film non (cominciare) ——- ancora, possiamo comprare i biglietti, sbrighiamoci
I Coldplay (suonare) ——- molte canzoni famose nel loro ultimo concerto

Le soluzioni sono sotto, più in basso.


ha cominciato
sono finite
ho aumentato
è suonato
sono aumentati
hai finito
è cominciato
hanno suonato

Teacher Silvia

about me

I live in a town near Rome, the city that I love for its special atmosphere and its unique soul. I lived in another fantastic city, London, for five years and it was an incredibly enriching experience that I will never forget. I have in-depth experience teaching Italian as a Second and Foreign Language both in person and online. I graduated from La Sapienza University in Rome with degrees in Italian Language and Literature and I recived the DITALS Certification in Teaching Italian as a Second and Foreign Language from the University of Siena. I have taught Italian as a Second Language since 2003 in various contexts: intensive standard Italian courses, individual courses, CELI and CILS exam preparation courses, business courses and online courses via live video calls. I have extensive experience in teaching adults of different ages, backgrounds and levels of competence. I’m passionate about my work because I love my native language and I also love the fact that people find Italian and Italy so interesting and beautiful. I think learning a foreign language is an exciting and challenging way to travel across a culture while enjoying yourself along the way.

Start your journey

“Learning another language is like becoming another person”.

Haruki Murakami

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